
5 Himalayan Salt Inhaler Benefits And How To Use One

Salt therapy, also known as halotherapy or speleotherapy, involves inhaling tiny amounts of salt. Ocean air is polluted, but dry snow (found in winter caves and snow showers) is the strongest form of halotherapy.

The first time I heard about halotherapy was when my mother backpacked back to Poland with an unusual picture of water and an interesting story about the salt mines used for medicinal purposes in Wiliska.

Dr. A.S Felix Bokowski d. He said salt miners had better breathing than average and were physically younger, not that miners suffered the side effects of their work.

Dr. A.S Bochkowski turned part of the mine into a health center because he believed that health came from breathing the thin, thin air. The work was suspended due to the global crisis, but resumed after doctors discovered that patients who had hidden in grasslands during World War II were improving their lives.

In this post, we look at some of the research that supports Himalayan Salt Inhaler treatment and offer simple ways to get results at home.

How does halotherapy (salt therapy) work?

Dr. A.S. According to Alex Eingon, salting can be done in two ways. First, Himalayan salt emits negative ions. “Because electrons are not absorbed by damaged or diseased cells, it makes sense to absorb electrons by sending electrons to many parts of the body.” If it’s anything like , check out this article on WebMD to learn more about the benefits.

Second, “the microcrystalline structure of salts determines the antibacterial, antibacterial, antifungal and antibacterial effects on epithelial cells, making them an important physiological agent for protection and absorption.”

5 Himalayan Salt Inhaler Benefits

  1. Immune Support & Decreased Inflammation – In addition to being anti-inflammatory, salt therapy helps to calm immune system oversensitivity (IgE responses), says The Lung Institute.
  2. Helps The Body Clear Mucus/ Sinus Support – According to Dr. Norman Edelman, Senior Scientific Advisor to the American Lung Association, “When fine salt particles are inhaled, they will fall on the airway linings and draw water into the airway, thinning the mucous and making it easier to raise [clear], thus making people feel better,” he said. (ALA)
  3. Stress and Brain Support – As Aingon mentioned earlier, Himalayan salt removes negative ions. According to WebMD, “It’s an odorless, tasteless, invisible molecule that you heavily inhale in certain environments. Think mountains, waterfalls and beaches. Once they turn red, one thinks about it.” “Negative ions cause a biological process called emotional chemotaxis. , which. “Increases serotonin. Situations…stressful and the day gets better. Increasing power.”
  4. Detoxification – I mentioned a quick goal in the Steam Love recipe. It is used to capture and eliminate bacteria from the body. By reducing salt levels, causing the body to excrete it, it helps the body eliminate irritants and pathogens more effectively.
  5. Deeper Sleep – Using salt can help you fall asleep in two ways. First, it reduces stress. Stress releases cortisol, which inhibits the flow of cortisol (sleep hormone). In response to the stress, the body produces melatonin at the right time.

Can I use essential oils with my salt inhaler?

Halotherapy is most effective when the salt is very dry, so supplementation with essential oils is not recommended. Essential oils gradually replace salts, and the effects of inhaled oil will diminish over time.

What are some other ways salt can be used for therapeutically?

Two popular remedies are hot salt socks for ear infections (which are great because of the anti-inflammatory properties of salt) and neti pots for cleaning the eardrums.

The brow pot is a bit of a challenge for my kids, so when I dry, I use a bottle of Nasopra “Good Brow”.

Where To Find A Himalayan Salt Inhaler

I use this salt inhaler from Plant Therapy and like it a lot. Because you’re placing the tip against your mouth, it’s best not to share an inhaler.

What is the Right Way to Use Salt Inhalers?

Salt Inhalers manufactured by Standard Salts are already infused with salt particles you just have to use them.

Standard Salts takes pride in manufacturing products that can be used to promote and improve health.