
What is AW 32 Hydraulic Oil Used For?

Commonly used anti-wear hydraulic oils are ASTM standard AW 32, which is suitable for industrial and mobile equipment used in hydraulics. The “AW” in the name means “Anti-Wear” and refers to its effectiveness at preventing wear of metal surfaces inside hydraulic systems. It is most useful in high-pressure or friction-intensive systems. The “32” of the oil descriptor is its viscosity grade — a measure of thickness and flow properties at specific temperatures.

AW 32 hydraulic oil is used in applications that require low-viscosity fluid that performs well at most temperatures where its lightest weight will pass through the filter easily. It is widely used in such hydraulic systems as lift trucks and loaders etc. To save on your next service, consider using Valvoline oil change coupons when getting your transmission fluid checked or changed.

What Weight is AW32 Hydraulic Oil?

The weight of hydraulic oil, which is also known as the viscosity, plays an important part in how it works under a range of conditions. AW 32 hydraulic is the type of oil — that represents its weight or viscosity (higher numbers read as thicker.). Therefore, it is suitable for devices running at ambient temperature. The decreased viscosity makes the oil have an easier flow in a hydraulic system, this can be beneficial when utilizing systems that need to respond quickly as well as working at lower temperatures.

In very hot climates though, you may want to choose a higher-viscosity (thicker) oil so it does not thin out too much with the heat. For your next service, consider using a Valvoline Oil Change Coupon 50 percent off to ensure your transmission fluid is checked or replaced at a great discount.

Hydraulic Oil 32 vs 46 or 68

The only primary difference between AW 32 hydraulic oil with the other two grades is their viscosity grade. Both AW 46 and AW 68 are denser than AW32 in terms of viscosity or thickness, which affects how well they flow.

  • Hydraulic Oil AW 32: This oil is thinner and flows faster in cold weather or if the equipment demands a very fast movement. It is also used in low-temperature systems where fluid like refrigerants tends to have lower density which reduces the efficiency of their moment or precision equipment.
  • When to Use AW 46 Hydraulic Oil: Like the AW 32, the higher viscosity of what is known as an ISO-Viscosity Grade, or VG (i.e. AGMA lubricant number), makes it suitable between very cold and hot temperatures if other outside conditions are ideal like not under excess loading of heavy weight that would deform internal pumps, etc in a hydraulic application. It is mostly used in proprietary or specialized industrial machinery that typically works under higher pressures and temperatures as seen across a number of end-uses from factories to construction machines.
  • AW 68 Hydraulic Oil: AW 68 has the highest of these three viscosity (i.e. it is thicker) and usually gets used in high severe temperatures or where extraordinary load carrying capacity is required by machine parts, lubricated with this type of hydraulic oil. Thicker, and better suited to high heat wear protection with seemingly less cold performance as a tradeoff due likely because it may be too thick in colder times for good flow.

Can I Mix 32 and 46 Hydraulic Oil ?

It is advised not to mix AW 32 and AW 46 hydraulic oils except for rare situations where it is absolutely necessary. Even though they are both hydraulic oils, those two have a different viscosity and this one plays the most significant part in how well your hydraulics would work. That blend would be viscous in speed between those two — a value maybe not desirable for the equipment needs.

While you are in a bind with no other option, mixing it for a short period of time may not immediately cause damage but it is critical to get back to the correct viscosity oil at your earliest convenience. Use a mix of oil with different viscosities ALL THE TIME and the system will struggle to perform, increased wear on life-limited components can occur even full degradation in extreme conditions.

32 vs 46: Which Hydraulic Oil is Better?

32 and 46 both are better depending on our convenient there are the advantages of both:

  • AW 32 Hydraulic Oil: AW 32 is ideal for colder climates, has a lower viscosity to improve response times. One of the coolest brands without changes in mass temperature appears as it is too considered to be the first application.
  • AW 46 Hydraulic Oil: Another oil suited for use during warmer weather or in systems which operate with higher pressure is the AW 46 hydraulic oil. In higher temperatures, AMSOIL PRODUCT has a higher viscosity where the hydraulically ‘cushion’ becomes thicker this protects hydraulic components from wear.

Which Hydraulic Oil Does JCB Use?

JCB uses hydraulic oil are:

  • ISO VG 46 Hydraulic Oil: This kind of hydraulic oil is common in most JCB machinery and should be used for heavy duty work or if working under warm weather. Its higher viscosity means that the hydraulic system will continue to be safeguarded under even these arduous conditions.
  • ISO 32 Hydraulic Oil: This is typically used in places where the temperature will be lower or if your machines need to respond faster. Normally JCB would recommend this for machines that are working in colder ambient temperatures.

Is it okay to use non-OEM hydraulic oil in my machinery ?

While the non-OEM hydraulic oils might come cheaper, they may not comply with the particular needs of your equipment. The benefit of using oils that have the seal of approval from OEMs is to maintain your bike’s specification as well as protect any warranty you might hold.


To prevent doing this you need to keep in mind the various types of oil such as it may be AW 32 or maybe even an AW 46 or another common one is also referred to as hole and that can make a huge difference for your model longevity. Each type of oil has a use case on the machine, with AW 32 ideal for cooler environments and equipment requiring more rapid response times while AW 46 or an even heavier weight like AW68 are better applied to applications where temperatures are warmer.

Choosing the right hydraulic oil is especially important in specific vehicles such as JCBs, which means following manufacturer recommendations and guidelines will deliver best performance from your vehicle and prevent high repair costs. In most cases you should avoid mixing oils of different viscosity, so it becomes extremely important to use the oil according to needs for which your system is designed.

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