
Career Opportunities for International Students in Australia

Australia is one of the highest economic countries because of its natural resources, employment, and great work opportunities for all those who wish to set their career in this flourished country. Large numbers of students are attracted here for its innovation, creativity, Australian Universities, and a lot more. All the international students who live here in this nation approach the delightful environmental surroundings, first-rate colleges, open positions for work and examination. In this article, we will discuss in brief the statistics and career opportunities in Australia for a better future.

Jobs in Australia

Australia is known as the top employment global destination one will get the opportunity to have jobs of their dreams here. But, getting a job that is perfect for you abroad takes more of your time and energy. However, there are several ways for an International Student to search out for either part-time work or full-time employment while still applying at Australian Universities and it includes the following: 

  • Nurses and medical staff
  • Software programmer and IT
  • Trades and construction
  • White collar Management/ professionals
  • Automotive and Engineering Trade Workers
  • Engineers
  • Farmers

And, all the employees in Australia get to enjoy 20 days of annual leave within their tenure.

Average Salary

The average salary for an international student in Australia is $78,638 per year, which implies $40.33 per hour. While an estimated minimum wage starts from $18.23 per hour. So, at the initial stage, your salary may start from $64,493 per year. On the other hand, experienced professionals receive up to $110,050 per year. But, as you still have to pursue your studies in between. So, according to their regulations, a student is only allowed to work 40 hours for 14 days. You can commence from any week on Monday and work till on the following second Sunday

Work options in Australia

There are two primary work options in any country, full-time and part-time. And, the variety of work options entirely depends on the student’s visa and the formation of rules and regulations of the country. So, you must have the appropriate visa. And, then you can apply for causal jobs or proper internships. There are plenty of options such as seasonal jobs, temporary jobs, and placement jobs. Based on your strength and duration you may pick the correct option.

Eligibility Criteria

See, different jobs demand different eligibility criteria. Such as to teach English in any school in Australia you must have a degree and a TEFL qualification while for a summer job you must have a working holiday visa. Similarly, the skillset and qualifications will vary from job to job. Make sure that you adequately know where you want to apply and why. Well, to guide you with this and especially with the entire procedure of how a visa works, here is the best Australia Education Consultant in Ahmedabad for you.

List of top recruiters in Australia

Alright, so here are the top ten recruiters of Australia that offers abundant resources with numerous opportunities:

  • Lloyd Connect Melbourne
  • CITI Recruitment
  • Adecco: Australia’s Leading Recruitment Agency
  • SACS Consulting
  • Randstad Australia | Leading Specialist Recruitment Agency
  • Astrum Recruitment
  • Hudson Recruitment Agency
  • Enterprise IT Resources
  • Konnecting – Australian Migration and Recruitment Agency
  • SACS Consulting
  • Morgan Consulting – Recruitment Agency
  • Stellar Recruitment

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 Can I get a Job in Australia?
-Although, the market of Australia is highly competitive. But, it is not that laborious to get a job there. You must possess a definite skill set aligned with your qualifications for working there.

Q2 Top 5 Jobs that international Students do?
– Here are the Top 5 Jobs with the highest paying that international students can do:

  • Freelancer
  • Bartender/Server
  • Uber driver
  • Tutor
  • Teacher’s assistant.

Q3 Is Australia good for International Students?
-Yes, it is not only good but one of the most convenient and safe places for international students. It is also one of the most functional countries in global research. Students can easily earn their pocket money with part-time jobs without hampering their semester studies.


Thus, we come to the end. Don’t forget to keep your semester studies first on the priorities list. Your academic progress should not be hampered. And, then gradually after realizing your interest and understanding the future aspects, apply for the internships. Or if you are just looking for a casual job to earn your pocket money, you must gather enough information before getting in there. Also, follow all the regulations and obligations mentioned for the visa. As they are very important. Your entire exposure depends on it. Going against any rule may lead to a fault in your portfolio.