
7 Ways to Improve Scrum For the Modern Age

Velocity, the statistic used to assess how much the Scrum Practices development team accomplishes in an iteration, comes to mind while considering the productivity of the team. The velocity is used to calculate the average number of points a team can score during a typical sprint, which is used to calculate the number of points they will agree to score during the subsequent sprint iteration. 

The velocity is merely a straightforward metric based on prior sprints and should not be used to assess the team’s productivity.

High velocity is not particularly significant. What counts are the final results and the team’s contributions. It makes no sense to push a team to substantially raise their velocity. By forcing the team to forgo acceptance testing, skip problem fixes, or reduce refactoring to meet the velocity, it may wind up being more expensive.

Instead of maximizing velocity, which takes into account the quality of the final output, if you want to boost the team’s velocity, concentrate on the optimal velocity over time. Let’s go over some advice to make your team more productive and know what makes a good scrum master in this universal agile’s article.

1. Remove obstacles

Making sure that obstacles are taken into consideration early in the development process is one of the Scrum Master’s primary responsibilities. Scrum Master’s daily duties include posing insightful questions throughout the User Story creation process, ensuring developers have everything they need to complete their work, and protecting the development team from stakeholder disputes.

Ask the team to direct inquiries and assistance requests to the Scrum Master if they are interrupted.

2. Team size

To be effective, the team should consist of fewer than nine people (3–9) to be effective. Once you go beyond this threshold, discussions might become more time-consuming and communication issues may arise. You need to divide your squad into one or more teams if it is larger.

Make sure the team size is appropriate for the project (i.e., not too large). Make sure to take care of the turnover as well because adding new team members each month won’t speed up the project’s completion.

Scrum with a large team is not a good idea. The more you do, the more information will be lost and the more work it will take to notify everyone of everything that is happening.

3. Daily conferences

Even though it may seem like a broken record, every team member must show up for the daily meeting every day. It won’t take more than 15 minutes a day and will provide a summary of how the job is going. If a discussion deviates from the agenda, it should be tabled until after the meeting. All the issues that came up at the daily meeting and required answers that day could be put in a parking lot.

Be productive, prepare for the meeting, and keep in mind what you did yesterday, what you need to do today, and any obstacles you run against.

In scrum practice, communication is essential, and this exchange of information is crucial.

4. Backlog of products

Beginning with the backlog, everything must be kept organized and clean. You should be able to see what has to be built shortly by reviewing the backlog to understand where the application goes. 

The less time the development team has to spend attempting to grasp the User Stories, the better. Make sure the User Stories are detailed enough. While awaiting the following release, place them in the icebox, adjust their priority as necessary, and reorder them as necessary.

5. Mindset of continuous growth

Since Scrum practice is a continuous improvement methodology, it makes sense to enhance the entire methodology rather than simply the software. The concept, also known as “Kaizen,” is to identify an area for improvement after each sprint and make the necessary improvements during the subsequent one. 

By doing this, you will be able to solve one issue at a time and advance. You can even take scrum master certification to improve your skills.

Find one specific task to complete that will benefit the team during the sprint retrospective. Someone must be in charge of carrying it out for it to function.

Start by taking quick, manageable steps that won’t take any time at all. During the sprint retrospective, solicit proposals from each participant, select one, and then go over the strategy for achieving it.

6. Buffering from interruptions

You have to deal with maintenance, releasing new features, and occasional interruptions when running an application in production. Other teams may need the developer’s assistance or a critical bug may have been reported. Whenever you deliver a product, you can’t disregard the rest of the world. The current sprint requires you to manage these interruptions.

It’s how well you can handle situations like these that count. You may be able to prevent scope changes by including a buffer in each sprint.

Add the US to the subsequent sprint after creating it with a modest number of points. The quantity of points you receive is based on how many and how much time your current interruptions take up.

7. Make the work evident

Making your efforts public is recognized to increase the team’s accountability for the project’s completion. Printing metrics and other charts and putting them up on the walls makes it easier for stakeholders and coworkers to see how the product is progressing.

Daily burndown chart updates should be made, as well as displays of the desired Kaizens and customer or team satisfaction. To explain the vision, you may also show people the development roadmap. There is a tonne of information you may present so that everyone can quickly see how things are progressing.


Multitasking is common, and businesses encourage it. Multitasking, however, degrades output quality and productivity. Developers lose all the time they spent learning the software when they start working on a job and then have to pause to do something else. 

You should be aware of the hidden cost associated with asking someone to stop what they are doing right now. This list may be longer, but if you can use them in your project, you will benefit from them at a reasonable price. Nothing complicated here; just use common sense.