
Amazon ERP An Introduction to Amazon ERP

Do you want to make your financial and operational practices on Amazon more efficient? If so, you must consider integrating an Amazon Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solution into your Amazon Seller account.

There are several applications and software that allow you to integrate ERP solutions to your Amazon Seller account effectively. Such software helps you streamline the most critical business processes, such as inventory management, order management, and reports management.

Using an ERP software solution is essential for an Amazon seller as it enables you to automate many different processes, such as data entry. It also gives you access to many robust and automated management functionalities that help you increase product listing and avoid errors during the listing.

Advantages of Integrating Amazon ERP Solution

If implemented correctly, Amazon ERP software solution can be a priceless asset for sellers on Amazon. An ERP solution can help Amazon sellers manage their stores more efficiently and execute complex operations to benefit their business.

  • Faster Data Processing

With the integration of an ERP solution, data processes are automated that prevent the manual entry of data by executives and employees working on their desks.

By Amazon ERP integration, data will be processed and delivered accurately so that sellers can further improve their business without having to check and correct errors. Therefore, this makes business processes, such as data processing, much more efficient and more straightforward.

  • Improved Workflow

When data is transferred efficiently across managements and departments, it improves the workflow in your business. This allows your business to work in a collaborative environment where the employees can efficiently share data with different officials.

  • Faster Business Automation Processes

Amazon ERP integration allows your business to store and use data related to your Amazon orders and sales. Thus, this data can easily be available across different business applications through an efficient and faster automation process. This streamlines your business automation processes across all the departments and management.

  • Centralized Data

Integrating an ERP software solution in Amazon also centralizes all the customer, order, and sales data. This makes sure that all the data is securely stored. It can be further distributed or transferred to other departments and management for its required use.

What Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Solution Does Amazon Use?

While choosing the best ERP solution for your business, it is also worth knowing which ERP solution Amazon uses. This can give you an idea of which ERP software solution will work best for your Amazon store such as dynamics 365 implementation.

Amazon uses SAP ERP as its ERP software solution for all its business operations. Amazon has been using SAP ERP Solution since 2008 when it concluded that it could not achieve its long-term goals through the ERP solution it was using then.

The precise modules that Amazon uses cannot be assumed. However, it is known that it uses SAP NetWeaver Administration, SAP Business Suite, SAP Business Operations, and SAP Mobility.

Should You Use Amazon ERP Integration?

Using Amazon ERP integration may not be best for everyone. For Amazon sellers that are already thriving, there is no need for such ERP software as it would only be a waste of your money.

It is highly recommendable to some Amazon sellers who are struggling with their sales and product listing.

  • Product Listing

It is vital to remember that Amazon is stringent when it comes to product listing. It would be best if you had a robust ERP software solution to manage all the product listings. There are hundreds of requirements that you have to list in the Amazon marketplace. Any slight error would directly lead to a delisting of your products.

Thus, it would help if you used Amazon ERP integration to get access to many product management functionalities. This will help you manage all your product listings without any errors.

  • Financial Management

Apart from aiding you in the product listing, an ERP software solution will help you maximize profitability in the marketplace by giving you a clear idea of the Gross and Net profit per product.

ERP software solution will manage all your costs and connect them to the sales of your products. This will significantly ease your work in managing the finances of your products on Amazon.

  • Planning and Executing your Operations

If you are struggling with planning and executing your business processes and operations, you must integrate an ERP solution. It will collect all the relevant customer data from your Amazon store and strategize the sales of your products.

Its advanced analytical tools will assist you in analyzing the market trends and plan a strategy to maximize sales, hence improving the efficiency of your Amazon store operations.


There are many ERP software solutions that can work best for your Amazon business store. Amazon itself recommends some of the best ERP solutions on its website for Amazon sellers that work best on Amazon stores. With an excellent ERP software solution, you may even get qualified for Amazon’s Premium Memberships, such as Amazon’s FBA Program.