
Best Ayurvedic Medicines that Help in Treating Piles


Hemorrhoids or Piles are a prevalent health problem in the elderly. Despite this, many people in their 40s and 30s complain of Piles, fistulas, and hemorrhoids today. Today’s fast-paced lifestyles, along with the consumption of processed and junk meals, pay little attention to eating habits and meal times. Apart from this, another issue is too much stress, which can mess up digestion and lead to irritable bowel syndrome and other disorders.

Usually, out of embarrassment, most of us neglect this health issue. If this problem is untreated, it may lead to persistent constipation with tight stools that crack and cause hemorrhoids. Piles can cause a great deal of worry and anxiety.

Some signs of Piles include the ones listed below:

  • Having trouble passing a stool and feeling sore.
  • Bleeding is caused by a burst inner lining or vein damage.
  • A feeling that your bowels aren’t empty enough.

The most effective way for Piles treatment in Bhuj is through Ayurvedic remedies.

What does Ayurveda say about Piles treatment?

It has been proved that Ayurveda is a very successful technique to treat Piles since it focuses on treating the cause to help the patient in the long run. Piles, fissures, and digestive problems caused by them are linked to Vata, Pitta, and Kapha Doshas.

According to Ayurveda, each person has a bi-doshic nature. It means that two doshas’ qualities predominate over the third. Your digestive issues may differ depending on which Dosha is ruling in your body.

Vata Dosha regulates the body’s excretion process by ensuring that bowel movements are regular and healthy. When the Vata Dosha is elevated or out of balance, it can cause constipation by drying out the intestinal contents and preventing regular bowel motions.

Hemorrhoids and constipation are signs of an unbalanced Vata Dosha. Hemorrhoids can also be caused by any imbalance in the Pitta and Kapha Doshas. The three Doshas must therefore be balanced to cure Piles effectively.

Best Ayurvedic Herbs for Piles

To manage and treat Piles and fissures, Ayurveda uses a holistic approach. The goal is to restore and preserve the natural equilibrium of the three Doshas and promote overall health. The doshas in the body are balanced and healed using Ayurvedic Piles therapy. As these herbs do not have any negative side effects, they are quite useful.

Chitrak Haritaki

A fruit called Haritaki can balance the three doshas, enhance digestion, and aid detoxification. As it promotes bowel movement and releases the strain on the excretory system, it has been used as a main Ayurvedic herb to treat Piles. Chitrak Haritaki assists in managing indigestion and the lowering of Ama by boosting digestive fire.

Avipattikar Churna

Using Avipattikar Churna to treat acid reflux, indigestion, and heartburn is a great Ayurvedic treatment. It lessens excessive heat brought on by any imbalance in the Pitta Dosha. It acts as a cooling agent by reducing the body’s acid production. Consuming Avipattikara Churna will help reduce unpleasant Piles as it has properties that ease pain and balance Pitta and Vata Dosha. It also has laxative qualities that help with constipation.


The Indian gooseberry is also known as Amalaki Rasayana. It is a popular Ayurvedic remedy for balancing all three doshas. Amalaki means sustainer and has long been used to keep the body cool. Also, Amalaki is renowned as the only food with five of the six fundamental tastes. It is an essential component of Triphala Churna.


In Ayurveda, Guggul is known for its anti-inflammatory qualities. One of the best herbs for Piles since it lessens inflammation in hemorrhoid, anorectal, and fistula diseases. Guggul is a laxative and astringent substance that aids in the removal of toxins and the relief of pain and itching. Guggul can reduce the pain associated with Piles while lowering inflammation and hemorrhoid problems. It aids in harmonizing the Kapha Dosha within the body. When combined with other herbs, the potent cleansing and revitalizing properties of Guggul can improve their benefits.


Turmeric or Haldi is used commonly in Indian households. Because of its numerous health benefits, it is used for several cosmetic, religious, and medical purposes, including Piles control. It can control bleeding due to hemorrhoids and prevent the spread of secondary microbial infections. Aside from that, it can help to reduce anal itching impulses. According to Ayurveda, turmeric has an alkaline tendency and can have an astringent effect, which can help decrease hemorrhoids. It also prevents hemorrhoids by improving the digestive fire and enhancing digestion.


If you have hemorrhoids, whether it’s bloody toilet seat rounds or daily challenges, it can be a painful experience. Use the Ayurvedic medicines as above to balance the three doshas and strengthen the digestive system. These are a handful of the most effective Piles remedies from Ayurveda. These herbs have no adverse effects and are not addictive. Without surgery, Ayurvedic treatments can offer long-term relief from Piles.