
Concessions of gifting custom t shirts for workers

Accumulation motivation for employee


By giving our free models of your t-shirts, you established a reward system that employees can look forward to. It is a common concept that apart from monetary benefits, the gifts that employees receive help to create an adhesive between them and the organization, and therefore, a highly engaged and motivated workforce. A motivated worker is far more productive and will go the extra mile to achieve organizational goals. All this, with just a custom t shirts. Sounds like a lovely deal. It doesn’t take a degree in rocket science to know the influence such t-shirts could have on your employer label.

custom t shirts

Gratis brand advertising


To execute a brand understanding campaign successfully, you have to hire a brand-building expert, and a team of well-trained specialists and then have to put some more cash into the costs involved in getting the ball rolling, among others. With t-shirts, this could be done for free. Easy gift your employee’s t-shirts with your company’s logo emblazoned on them, and you’ve got yourself a mobile brand awareness medium. And don’t omit ‘word of mouth’, that aged, but an adequate way to spread awareness of your brand. Your worker’s friends, family members, or relatives might see him/ her fraying the t-shirts. It might impress them enough to want to work with you, consider doing enterprise with you, or simply buy your outcome/ benefit.


Completing more bond


Many events can be used to give t-shirts to your workers and to create a sense of camaraderie between them. Plus, imagine all those pictures going up on social media, you’ll be in the spotlight for succeeding company culture.


Determine the right fabric


The same holds when you choose to give t-shirts to your workers. Nobody wants to wear an awkward t-shirt, that doesn’t even last a week. If you are planning to give custom t shirts for a day-long event, you could still get away with the suspicious quality. But, if you are looking at t-shirts as a way to encourage adhesion between employees, or to spread some brand awareness, then you need to select a fabric that looks good and lasts long.


Focus on the innovation


Obtaining the fabric right is just the first step of the method, the appearance matters more. This would depend entirely on the purpose of gifting t-shirts to your employees. It would be for a special corporate event, for the annual offsite, or just something for team associates to wear on casual Fridays.


Shades: Choose colors that reverberate with your brand. If you are planning to have your logo embellished on the t-shirts, make sure the colors of the logo complete the base color you’ve for the t-shirt.


Font: Choose a legible font, if you are planning to get a fun missive, a quote, or a punchline printed on the t-shirts. The idea is to make it perceptible even from a distance.


Logo: Make sure you supply a high-quality image of your logo to the t-shirt designer. You don’t enjoy t-shirts having blurry, outstretched, or pixelated logos.