Home Improvement

Diys Tips For Clearing Out Blocked Drains

While dusting, moping, cleaning utensils to changing bedsheets happen to be some of the routine cleaning expeditions in your day-to-day life, maintenance of drainage lines is not. People often tend to neglect the maintenance and cleaning of drainage lines until there is a substantial blockage, related problems cropping up due to blockage that your attention is caught into blocked drains.

Common Signs As Well As Problems Of Developing A Blockage In Your Drainage Pipeline Are:

•          Foul smell caused due to blockage which is in the process of rotting

•          Unhealthy conditions due to the growth of bacteria and germs

•          Backflow of filthy water

•          Bring up health threats with diseases and allergies

•          Rumbling noise from the drainage pipeline

•          Overflowing toilets and wash basins

•          Pipeline damage

•          Wastage of money as well as energy in emergency servicing

If you happen to notice any signs from the above list then it indicatges your sewer lines having blocages. To shoo away the particles once and for all, you need to adopt to somne changes in your routine household works for avoiding such problems in mere future. However, before jumping into the future routice care of your sink and washroom pipes, you need to figure out ways to wash down the blocking particles in the drain lines at first. Check out the following to determine the best formulas for clearing out blocked drains.

Preventive Measures To Avoid Blocked Drains 

Cultivating a few good habits can save the toll of harassment caused due to blockages, overflowing bathrooms, dirty water overflowing in the sink, and so on.

  • Do not throw oily wastes, or greasy cooking remains into the sink, instead, use a dustbin.
  • While taking a bath do not let your falling hair pass through the drains.
  • Whenever you use soap in a bathroom use lot of water to wash away the lather formed.
  • It is better not to flush away toilet paper in the toilet pan instead unless it is made of dissolving material.

Homemade Cleaner

There are many cleaners available in the market which you can buy over the counter. All you need to do is go to a shop and ask for drain cleaning agents. Now sometimes these could be harsh and strong chemicals when you must use a mask s well as gloves while applying these. However, if you don’t want to pour into artificial chemical agents, then you can simply mix baking soda with water, pour it down the pipe, and following this pour raw vinegar. This creates a strong reaction that loosens the blockage and helps you to wash it away.


A plunger is one of the most popular toolsfor cleaning a clogged toilet. Many people tend to have a spare plunger for toilet cleaning, however, it could find potential usage in blockage cleaning as well. a good plumbing supply shop with blocked drain solutions is ought to have different sizes of plungers too so that you can buy accordingly. 

Wire Brushes

Hardwire in the form of a brush is a powerful tool to clean up blockages around the mouth of a drain. however, when you think of using a wire brush, which is easily available in plumbing supply stores, you need to check the position of the blockage first. If the blockage is substantially down the drainage line, it might be difficult to reach out to the clog with a wire brush. In such cases rather a bent wire may be helpful to poke and forcefully move away the clog or loosen it.

However, if all the above techniques tend to fail or offer no return of value, it is high time to consider a blocked drain expert. Sometimes, in case of small blockages household tips and tricks do work out magically. You can flush a lot of water, and find them passing away freely to confirm that your drainage line is clear of the clog. However, even after pouring chemicals or using a plunger or wires if you fail to get it out, some professionals handle blockages.

  • Ask your friends a neighbor for references of blocked drains expert around you.
  • Check online for blocked drain specialists in your city or town.
  • Read through customer reviews and feedback, and check on the experience to decide on whom to hire.

Last but not least do not delay with blocked drains which could lead to unhealthy conditions in the house or office, instead call for an expert.