
Do you need Spotify Listeners if your artist profile is new?


If you’re an independent musician, then it’s likely that your music has yet to be heard by anyone. How do you get people to listen to your music? Well, it depends on what kind of genre of artist you are and how many followers or fans you have on Spotify. If you still need to get any or need to be more active, there’s no point in starting with this method, but if there are, we can help!


Why do you need Spotify listeners for your artist profile?


Spotify listeners are like votes. They give you the power to make your music more prevalent, increasing the amount of money you can earn. 


The more listeners listen to your songs, the higher up on the charts they will go, and this means more people will see them and potentially buy them (or even subscribe). The more subscribers there are for your artist profile, the better! This means that, once again: You get paid for what you put out there!


What about the bots?


Bots are a great way to increase your reach, but they can take time to get used to. Here’s what you need to figure out about bots:

  • Bots are programmed software that follows the steps on your Spotify account and interacts with users. These bots do everything from playing music for you, recommending songs based on their preferences, or checking out new artists who might interest them. This is an excellent way for brands or businesses interested in growing their presence online by using social media platforms (like Facebook).


  • There are two types of bots: one-way (where people enter data into the system) and two-way (where people talk directly with each other). In general terms: one-way bots do not require any interaction between human beings; however, two-way bots will only work if there is an existing relationship between both parties involved in communication – so if someone wants help finding out more about something specific, then they may want something more personalized like this.”


How many Spotify listeners are needed to get your music heard?

Spotify listeners are the most important thing to track when it comes to getting your music heard by other listeners. Your objective should be to ensure that you’ve got enough of them so that when someone searches for your artist name, they’ll find you in the top 20% of artists on their platform.


If you’re in this situation:

  • You need 1,000 streams per day or 500 plays per week (whichever is higher).
  • The total number of plays in this period must be at least 50% greater than what’s required by the average listener looking for something new on Spotify.


What if you have a limited number of followers on Spotify?

If you have a few followers on Spotify but want to get your music heard and played by more people, there are still ways to do it. You can use Spotify listeners to increase the number of people who listen to your songs and the number of plays they receive.


This will help increase visibility on the platform and ensure everyone knows about your music!


Contact us

If you have a new artist profile and are looking for more listeners, contact us at [email protected]. We can help you get those extra listens to make your music stand out from the best at what we do, so if you need Spotify listeners, call us!


We have the solution if you’re looking for a way to get more listeners on Spotify. Contact us today, and we will help get your music heard by creating a custom playlist for your fans!