
Everyday Household Items That Are Poisonous for Your Feline Friend


The symbol of playfulness and joy, our feline friend, the cat is perhaps the most cheerful animal around. One animal that can bring your mood up when you are feeling downhearted. The most selfless animal after dogs that offers blissful love for its owner. Considered as one of the intelligent animals that can easily let you take back to your childhood when you were also notorious and playful.

It is our frontmost duty to take care of our best friend. The friend that cannot betray you no matter what the situation is. Paws and Whiskers have emerged as the perfect online platform dedicated to dogs and cats that can you in sorting out all kinds of queries related to pet care. Not only this, but we deal in Cat whisker costumes plus dogs accessories as well.

Prevention is better than cure. It is always better to take care of our pet beforehand only rather than feeling sorry later on. In such a case, we need to be proactive in determining their behavior in advance. Fulfilling the above line, we can prevent anything to have happened in the future.

The main consideration is common household items at home. I am sure, now you are in dilemma. How these household items are related to cats. There lies an answer.

Cats have the nag of chewing anything that comes their way. It may include furniture, electrical items, and appliances. If we could prevent such items from our feline friend, then that could help save extra bucks later on in medical treatment for our cat. Below I have listed some of the Everyday household items that are poisonous for your feline friend. Have a look.

Common household items that are poisonous for cats

  • Aloe Vera– One of the most beneficial herbs for human beings that are found in abundance at every home, is the Aloe Vera. It is one such herb that can harm your feline friend to a mild to a moderate extent.

It can result in several severe symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, depression, and change in urine color. Aloe vera contains saponins that should be avoided for cats. It increases the amount of mucus and watery substances in a cat’s colon. Still, if there is Aloe vera planted at your home, the best thing is to purchase that aloe that has its latex removed. Latex is extremely toxic for both you and your feline friend as well.

  • Grapes and Raisins– One of the berry variants of fruit common at every home is also known to be toxic for cats if consumed in heavy quantity. Though, its toxicity level is a bit on the lower side compared with other food.

Somehow, its toxicity is dangerous than that you think about dark chocolates.  It may lead to kidney damage or in few cases might lead to severe kidney fatalities. If your cat is showing repeated vomiting then definitely, you should concern the veterinary letting your feline friend recover soon.

  • Exposed electrical wires– this might seems quite certain as exposed electrical wires if taken in your mouth by your cat can result in sudden death due to electrocution. This should be your priority in avoiding such hazardous situations. Even in a general form as well, such electrical wires should not be left uncovered.

Always get these electrical wires insulated on a timely basis so that none of the humans or animals might face such severe fatalities. On the other hand, the protective layer on the wire should be covered properly as despite now being electrically connected, still toxic for cats.

  • Jewelry– the most expensive ornament that we usually get locked away from the third person, might be vulnerable for our cat. I guess you don’t want jewelry on this list. Jewelry contains a very bitter-tasting liquid called dibutyl phthalate. Very deadly that can lead your cat to dribble constantly.

          It is highly recommendable to clean your jewelry with a good quality detergent before keeping it at your home.

  • Human medicines– medicines that are extremely vital for humans in everyday use are found more commonly at home. Somehow, these medicines are toxic for your feline friend. There are a wide variety of human medicines such as Paracetamol, Aspirin, Betadine and Dettol, and other laxatives which are known as the highly toxic for cats leading severe illness such as tremor or even death.

If in case, you found your cat being poisoned then always advisable to immediately consult the veterinarian.

  • Dental floss– yet another common household item in everybody’s home nowadays is dental floss. Dental floss is used to clean certain parts of teeth where brush bristles can’t reach. It can cause a drastic setback in your feline friend due to the risk of swallowing and several other intestinal damages.

Considering the other side of the picture, dental floss contains Teflon that can harm your cat’s large intestine. Better to dispose of the used floss in the dustbin rather than throwing it away.

  • Plastic bags– if I could put all these household items in order of their severity to cats then the plastic bag would be a second after electrical wires. Plastic bags in general are toxic that once swallowed by cats, can eventually result in loss of life.

Plastic bags including lunch bags, trash bags, and even grocery bags being the most common everyday household item in our home. As its application is pity wide. It can choke their digestive system which may require additional surgery for its survival.



Concluding the article in brief, though many other common everyday household items at home may prove highly harmful for not only cats but for any animal. But the above stated are found abundantly at every home. Somehow, these are useful for us and vice-versa for our innocent friends.

So, it is our foremost responsibility to take care of them by avoiding such mishappening taking place at home. If in extreme cases, such calamity may happen, then be your pet savior by consulting your vet immediately before things get late.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day.