
Four Common Skin Problems and What They May Mean

Occasionally, it can feel like your skin is not on your platoon. It erupts in flights, your fluffy eyes give away just how little sleep you clocked last night, and one day you look in the glass and notice sagging or wrinkles that you swore were not their history. Purpose hides any and every weakness that a natural skin shows.


Head to the store or online and you ’ll be besieged by a litany of beauty products that all make big pledges. To cut through the “where do I begin?” confusion, we asked top- notch dermatologists how to get effects under control.

  1. Acne May Mean Your Hormones Are Going Haywire

What caused your acne as a teen is not inescapably what’s behind your flights now — and that’s important to know when choosing a treatment. As a teen, acne may have been due to redundant oil painting product, but as you age, it’s frequently hormonal, says Marisa. Grassick, MD, a board- certified dermatologist in New York City and an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Cornell New York- Presbyterian Medical Center.



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Hormonal acne in women frequently worsens with the menstrual cycle. The acne bumps generally pop over closer to your jawline and chin, as opposed to the acne that might ’ve agonized you in your teen times, which is frequently localized to the face and forepart, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD).

Hormonal acne frequently looks further seditious in nature (suppose deep and red), so the treatment is each about comforting skin, she says. Look for topical benzoyl peroxide, which targets Cut bacterium acnes, the bacteria that causes acne, noted a composition published in the journal Dermatology Times.


still, products containing sulfur or willow dinghy can also help clear skin, If you have sensitive skin. Eventually, your gynecologist and dermatologist can work nearly together to regulate a disruptive hormonal cycle for clearer skin.

Anti-aging skin care

The epidermis (shown then in red) consists of dead skin cells that the dermis, the sub caste below, turns over and replaces.

Keith Wheeler/ Getty Images

  1. Beforehand Signs of Aging? Your Skin Cell Development May Be dragging

You need commodity that stimulates collagen and pets the development of skin cells, says Neil Sadock, MD, a dermatologist in New York City and clinical professor of dermatology at Weill Cornell Medical College. “Retinoids are still the No. 1 collagen stimulator,” he says. (utmost retinoids are tradition, but weaker forms called retinols can be set up over the counter; ask your dermatologist what they ’d recommend for you.)


You may also want to consider a nascence hydroxy acid (AHA) serum for cell development (some people may not tolerate an AHA). immaculately, start with one that contains 5 percent AHA, and work up to lesser attention as long as it’s tolerable. Alternate between the retinoid and the AHA in your nocturnal routine. Sadock says. exemplifications of AHAs are glycolic and lactic acid.

  1. flushing May Be the Result of a Compromised Skin hedge

“Treatment to rebuild that foundation is the most important, ” says. Grassick. Use a gentle, nonirritating face marshland and moisturizer to hydrate. “Once the hedge is repaired, skin wo not be as prone to burning or surcharging, and numerous people find they can tolerate a lesser range of products, ” she says.


Also look for products that contain niacinamide, Ananta-inflammatory component that can quell touchy complexions, once exploration suggests.

  1. Under- Eye Bags May Signal a Diet or Lifestyle Problem

Get to the source of the problem. disinclinations, smoking, and indeed eating too important swab can play a part in giving you bags under your eyes, per the Mayo Clinic.


But lack of sleep is a huge malefactor behind that look, and if it’s a common circumstance, you may have to work on sleep hygiene habits or prioritizing shut- eye. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that grown-ups aim to get seven to nine hours of sleep every night.


Beyond that, there are a slew of remedies that can deflate those bags. The Mayo Clinic notes that you have drug and surgical options at your disposal, so consult your derma if those avenues feel right for you.  For a hastily fix, reach for eye creams that have a essence- tip applicator, suggested. Grassick. These supply a cooling face (suppose stupefied cucumber slices) that depuff. However, slather on some foundation, If you need some redundant content after a restless night.( We ’ve each been there.)