
How to Choose the Best Horse Riding Accessories for Beginners


Diving into the world of horse riding can be as thrilling as it is daunting. As a beginner, you might find yourself asking: What kind of gear do I need? Are there specific brands or styles to consider? Any standard safety measures to follow? Fear not, dear reader, as today, we unravel the intricate tapestry of horse riding accessories to guide you.

In this blog post, I’ll walk you through a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the convoluted market of horse riding accessories. After all, being both safe and stylish is the key to enjoying this sport to its fullest.

From understanding the significance of helmet fit to exploring the vast range of saddle choices, we’ll embark on a journey that offers a thorough understanding of horse riding accessories, particularly tailored to suit your novice needs.

Why Choosing the Right Accessories Matters

Whether you’re galloping through verdant fields or mastering horseback riding lessons in an arena, donning the right kit can make a world of difference. Let’s delve deeper into why.

First, safety is paramount. Good quality gear forms a crucial barrier between you and potential accidents, ensuring your riding journey is both enjoyable and free from harm. Secondly, the right accessories offer comfort. Without the added worry of discomfort, you can focus entirely on your riding technique. Lastly, well-chosen accessories also enhance performance. From a saddle that fits both you and your steed to riding boots that grip the stirrups, every bit contributes to your riding capabilities.

Essential Horse Riding Gears for Beginners

Gearing up appropriately can often seem like decoding a cryptic puzzle for beginners. Let’s break it down.

At the heart of riding gear is the helmet – a non-negotiable accessory designed to protect you during falls. Next is the riding attire, usually comprising of a riding shirt, jodhpurs or breeches, and gloves for a better grip. Boots, either long or jodhpur style, are essential, and finally, a good quality saddle ensures a comfortable ride.

Horse Riding Accessories

Choosing the Perfect Helmet

A horse riding helmet is more than just a piece of protective equipment – it’s like your on-field best friend.

First, it’s critical to consider the fit. Helmets goes by size, and it’s crucial to measure your head for an accurate fit. Once fitted, the helmet should feel snug and secure, but not tight. Moreover, opting for a helmet with a safety standard certification can give you peace of mind.

The Importance of Proper Riding Attire

You won’t find horse riders sporting their everyday tees and joggers. There’s a reason for that.

Correct riding clothes not only provide comfort but also bring functionality. Breeches and jodhpurs, for instance, are designed for durability and comfort in the saddle. Gloves enhance grip, and boots, with their heel design, help keep your feet in the stirrups.

Making The Right Saddle Choice

The key to a good saddle? It should fit both you and the horse.

A saddle either too large or too small can be uncomfortable and even harmful to the horse. It’s vital to let a qualified saddle fitter guide you in the beginning, with rigorous personal trials before purchasing your own.

Your Gear Care Routine

Investing in horse riding accessories is substantial, and their care equally important. Regular cleaning and maintenance will increase the longevity of your gear and ensure they continually service your safety and comfort.


Venturing into horse riding demands a basic understanding and selection of the correct accessories from the get-go. From helmets to saddles, your gear acts as your safety net, facilitating your riding journey to be a blend of exhilaration and security, and ultimately, mastery. Remember, every aspect of your horse riding kit, even the seemingly trivial, can influentially alter your riding experience. Approach it with care, research, and yes, even some fun! Because horse riding, dear reader, is indeed a wonderful world.

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