
How to Custom Module Development in Drupal 9?

Modularity in Drupal stands as the robust pointer. And when it’s about customizing modules, it increases the connectivity. Because custom modules increase flexibility in the website. Even this custom Drupal development of modules helps to expand the horizons. So, if you want to know the steps, keep reading.

What is a Drupal module?

In custom Drupal development, modules play a major role. Because modules are files with code to extend functionality via new features. Code is within the site context for execution and can access all functions. Even, it can access the basic structure of the Drupal core.

Drupal stands strong on the foundation of extensibility. Because it divides the core functionalities into modules. If you know the Drupal module ecosystem you can deal with complex CRM functionality. 

Types of Drupal Modules

Here are the main divisions of Drupal modules


Drupal core modules work as the website’s backbone. They also get included in the shipment package. You don’t need manual installation. Instead, you should know how to start with it.


Next, we move from the parallel modules to the core ones. As it powers the backbone to survive on the web. Contributes models are not the same as custom Drupal development it has more additional features. You can see multiple integrations that aren’t necessary. Although it directly affects the core modules.


Custom module development works well with Drupal 8 and 9. However, it needs PHP and API integrations. So, you can easily create customized features, widgets, types, etc. They can fulfill every CMS requirement that isn’t available anyway.

Steps to custom Drupal development 

Here are some guided steps to follow for customizing Drupal modules.

Create directory

The first step is quite simple for the beginners. Start with creating a directory in the modules in the Drupal root. 


And for naming the machine name, remember to keep it all in small letters without spacing. You can hire Drupal developers for more assistance.

Initialise module

We move on to initializing by connecting the module with the core for the working module. Try to create the file and name it ‘‘ in the path.

[Drupal_Root]/modules/custom/helloworld / Remember to keep those names similar to machine names.

  • name: HelloWorld – custom module 
  • type: module
  • description: ‘Hello world, it is my first custom Drupal development module’
  • package: Custom 
  • version: 1.0 
  • core: 9. x 

So, the mentioned above details will help you understand the Drupal core version.

Route setup 

Now we move to setting up our routes. So, you create a file helloworld.routing.yml to get all the route data.

So, you will find:

  • notice unique key routing hello-world. content
  • and the controller looks like DemoController & DemoForm
  • path of routing will be /HelloWorld/page and you can access it by path

To create a path controller as [Drupal_Root]/modules/custom/helloworld/src/Controller with DemoController.php. You can hire Drupal developers to help with customization.

This code helps to define a method in DemoController to return markup-type text. 

Create form

We will create a file 

[Drupal_Root]/modules/custom/HelloWorld/src/Form in the DemoForm.php. You get three methods getFormId, buildForm, validateForm & submitForm. These methods control the information access from the users. You can consult a Drupal 9 development company for help.

Installation ready

Here is the final step to include to launch the model. So, log into the Drupal site and install the module for admin. You can test the patch via /helloworld /page & /helloworld /form. If you don’t get the file try again to create it again. Try Drupal maintenance services for a better consultation.

Conclusion: Custom module development helps to make the platform more connected to the experience. So it becomes necessary to custom modules. For more consideration, consult a Drupal development company for your projects.