
How to Send Large Files for FREE


One of the most important features of using file hosting services is that you can upload large files for free. It is a shame that this is not so common, but it could be useful to a lot of people. Search engines look at the bytes uploaded on these sites and count how many bytes they need to index. If you think about it, knowing how many bytes are needed to index one file will give you some idea how many bytes a typical website needs. But there are other ways of getting more information out there, and one of those ways is just putting your entire filesize on your site. In this post, I am going to show you how to do that with just a few clicks!

First, go to . You will see it has a file upload form – fill out the form with your desired size and click submit. Then get back into your post editor, go up to the top right corner (where ‘Show Advanced Options’ is) and click ‘File’. You can now check out the file size from that page in this article (see image above). Make sure you add an image too – I usually put mine there because my site has images in several different sizes and formats… for example, here’s an image I made:

Next, we need to upload an image too. Go back into your post editor again (this time go up under ‘Advanced Options’), click ‘Upload Image’, search for (and select) your image (for example here’s an archived copy of my site):

You can now click ‘Save As’ and save your file as ‘my_image_name’ – make sure you use a unique name so that if someone else rewrites the code they don’t accidentally download my image again! Next, close all windows except the Post Editor itself – remember this is where we’ll keep all our data so we don’t have to keep worrying about updating it!

Here’s what should be happening now:

You should see something like this:

We have uploaded our file! Click on any thumbnail on any page in order to see its full size – including any images inside it! You can also use the ‘Thumbnail Viewer’ tool at if you want even more control over what you’re seeing here:

How to Send Large Files for FREE

We are used to thinking of large files as larger than 2GB. But it turns out that the file size limit is 90% of what many people think of as “big files”.

Some file sizes are so large that they can’t be downloaded at all, such as video files (2+GB). Others are so small as to make them prohibitively expensive to download, such as a song file (1.5GB which includes multiple audio tracks).

You can send free files for free through your own server if you have access to one. Or, you can use a Service like Dropbox or Box to send a big file for free. Either way, once you get it online, it won’t take long for people to download and start using your application or service.


If you want to send a file that is larger than 2 GB, there is no easy way for you to do that. There are generally three ways you can send files; unfortunately none of them are free. They are:

You take the file from the post, and upload it to your own site.

You send the file first to your own site, and then upload it to your own site.

You send the file first to your own site, upload it to both sites, and then upload it to both sites. I’ve done all of these for many years now and I always get a bit frustrated when I see people who seem content with this solution. You can always end up in an endless loop of uploading a small file one time onto one website, uploading it again on another website, etc., which doesn’t really scale well or perform as promised (it tends towards either “sending huge files” or “creating a bottleneck”). The quality of your uploads will suffer too — especially if you use compression/encryption — because they will be sent over multiple connections (e.g.: at home) and not through one connection (e.g.: at work).