
How to Write a Short Story in 9 Steps

The below-mentioned points will be helpful for those who are thinking to start writing short stories.

  1. The first and foremost necessity for writing a short story is having a clear idea of the subject. To report a short story, a person has to be creative with ideas. Any real-life incidents or occurrences that happened in our daily routine can help us gain ideas for story writing. Besides, some stories our grandparents told us in our childhood can also be inspirational. If the author is still facing a writing blockade, they may take help from some Online Assignment Helper. The domain that helps me the most is
  2. A significant point in writing a short story is to know from whose point of view we are telling the story.  It can be narrated from the writer’s point of view or from any character mentioned in the report. The point of view can not be changed in any point in the story. For beginners, it is always best to narrate the story from the point of view of the lead character or the hero of the story.

How to write a short story in 9 steps

Figure 1: How to write a short story in 9 steps

  1. Every writer should know and analyse the characters they create in their fiction. One of the most challenging jobs for a writer is to create or develop living and breathing characters. Writers must be informed about all the characters so the readers can draw an imaginary picture of the same in their minds. Some basic things we should know about our nature are: What does the lead or protagonist want? What important decisions and actions have our protagonist taken to achieve the goal? What unexpected consequences have arisen, and what are the results of these consequences? What significant actions does our protagonist have to make on moral grounds, and how has our lead changed by the end of the story?
  2. Character Clichés are one problem that must be avoided. Characters should not be stereotypical or predictable. There should be originality in every character. To avoid cliché, writers should not elaborately explain a feeling. Instead, they should let the readers discover. Every character should have flaws and weaknesses, as there is no such thing as perfect. Surfaces should be provided with unique characteristics, or it tends to become dull, unique characteristics helps the characters to be more natural. By providing an outright description of that fictional character, as a writer you must make the audience to believe as natural character. The best way to express one character is using others imagination of explanation in the story telling process. In this way, the character cliché problem is smoothly avoided.
  3. The story’s lead character must have conflicts in their life. Otherwise, the report will become boring to the readers. These conflicts can be with him or her, other characters or the world. Starting the story from the centre of a match will make it more exciting and presentable. To make it more thrilling, writers should have something at stake in the story.
  4. Every writer must know the difference between a good storyteller and a good story writer. Not every storyteller is a good writer because when we tell a story, we provide facts to the listeners. Still, a good writer will engage the mind of the readers with emotions, sentiments, imaginations etc. A good story writer’s job is to awaken feelings in readers’ minds by engaging them as the story flows from towards the end; so that it will become hard for them to forget about the story.
  5. In every story, the plot’s advancement is significant; every sentence’s main job at every level is to explain the character or advance the plot. The property is the backbone of every story because it hinges on it as the series of events occurs in the story. The storyline is a significant factor in measuring your story’s uniqueness. To keep the readers awake and interested, the report should take unexpected turns, whether in the beginning, in the middle or at the end.

write a short story in 9 steps

Figure 2: How to write a short story in 9 steps

  1. Drafting is another helpful step in writing a short story. As an idea of the story comes in mind, we should choose a point of view of showing the concept, create the characters and start to write. Getting everything on paper without even thinking about the details is essential. A total 20 pages draft can get down to half as we cut out irrelevant words or sentences. After finishing the story, multiple editing is needed four to five times for an excellent final product. The beginning of the story should be interesting, and every conflict you have created must have a solution. Revision and opinion from any writer friend are also very appealing.
  2. We should remember to give our best when writing a short story. We have to give our soul into every word and sentence. Besides, we must not forget that writing to please everyone will ruin our story and end its uniqueness. Don’t write to please everyone. Write to satisfy only one person in that way.

Author’s Bio:

Clara Smith, a renowned name in today’s technological and digital world, is known for her thirst to learn and follow current technologies. Being an online assignment maker, she has worked on various assignments like tools for recognised sites like spell checker, word counters etc., for over the last ten years; she has been a reputed member of  Lastly, she likes to spend her leisure time reading books and reciting poetry.