
Introduction About OET Listening Score

There are 42 question items in the three phases of the OET Listening subtest. The subjects are relevant to candidates from various professions and have a general interest in healthcare. The listening audio lasts for roughly 40 minutes, including recorded voice and breaks that give you time to type your responses. For medical workers, the OET listening test is an English language assessment.

It is not intended for medical experts with a thorough background in medicine. Instead, it’s a test made to compare the experiences of all medical practitioners—both inside and, more generally, outside the workplace. The exam is broken up into three pieces and will last about 40 minutes. Each area has a distinct purpose and layout. Two conversations between a patient and a medical expert make up Part A’s 24 questions. The format of the section A question is a gap-fill format. Six multiple-choice questions with three possible answers make up Part B. There will be separate recordings, each lasting between 40 and 60 seconds, for each question.

Steps to do to be ready for the OET Listening Test:

As a result, several strategies ensure you are completely ready before taking the listening test. First, it will help if you familiarise yourself with the exam as your initial action. Make sure you comprehend everything that speaks. You must be able to gauge where you stand right now. to check your progress toward earning a B or above on the OET listening section. The Swoosh English OET Listening Readiness Test is the best tool for achieving this. They will allow you to take a condensed version of the OET Listening test and receive an honest assessment of your proficiency level. Knowing your present skill level can help you determine how much practice you’ll need in preparation for the OET listening test. The OET mock listening tests should be one method of practice. They will give you lots of practice with the exam style and allow you to monitor your development over time. Finding trustworthy mock listening exams might be challenging. However, if you click on the following link, Swoosh English will be able to provide you with plenty of practice in this area. However, you shouldn’t limit your listening practice to OET exams. Use this chance to listen to different English audio. Podcasts on medicine can be helpful. It includes the BBC’s “Health Check” and ABC’s “All in the Mind.” The earlier sources are also helpful since you can practice listening to various English accents thanks to them. Especially the British and Australian accents that are frequently heard on the OET Listening test.               

How do you work on honing your listening abilities?

OET Listening score – Are you one of those who always wear headphones? Although I’m not a big fan, I have acquaintances who listen to a wide range of stuff when they commute.

You must practice your talents frequently and sparingly if you want to progress. Getting some listening practice in when you commute to work, stroll to the store, or prepare dinner are all excellent examples. As long as it’s in English, a good place to start is with stuff you already listen to and appreciate. Listening to music with English lyrics could suffice in this situation. Keep your attention on the lyrics the singer is singing. Because of how some words are pronounced in the song, it cannot be easy to distinguish specific words. Can you make out the basic idea even if you can’t make out every word? It is an excellent listening skill to acquire for the OET because there may probably be words and phrases you don’t understand on the test. There are a few additional skills you can practice for OET. It would be best if you listened to consultation in Part A and professional or professional and patient talks in Part B. If you have access to native speakers, taking off your headphones and listening in on their discussions is the ideal method to practice this. You want to hear how English speakers carry on a discussion, including how they respond to one another, change the subject, and agree or disagree with one another’s viewpoints. You should also pay attention to the language that laypeople use, such as the idioms and expressions they employ while speaking about delicate matters. OET is a test of English that is widely accepted. OET is accepted in native English-speaking nations like Canada, the UK, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland. Dubai and Singapore, two cities with many different cultures, accept OET as proof of English fluency. An OET certification is accepted as valid documentation of your English proficiency by a wide range of government agencies, immigration departments, authorities, and employers.


The OET can be taken in the comfort of your home, at a test location with paper tests or at a test location with computer tests. OET Listening score –  The OET is most frequently administered on paper, with OET via computer now only being offered for OET Medicine and OET Nursing. When making a reservation, be sure to consider the exam dates that are still open in your nation because the schedules have a deadline. Finally, you need to improve your writing and listening skills. It will require practice to perform both tasks at once. It is crucial that you continue to listen as you write to catch any vital information necessary for the solution. You will need to practice this when you aren’t moving about and have access to a pen and paper. For more info visit us ielts and oet training