
Key Differences Between Homeopathy and Naturopathy

Homeopathy and naturopathy are sometimes considered the same as both of them use natural ingredients as medicinal valuables. Both rely on the pseudoscientific system and do not have any scientific evidence.

The methods focus on finding the root cause of the illness before starting the treatment. The concept usually includes some therapies and puts a greater emphasis on optimizing health.

To get a clear idea regarding both concepts, we need to go through a brief summary so that we can find the differences more clearly.


The history of homeopathy is more than hundreds of years old. This alternative medicine system claims “like cures like” that simply means that the body has the ability to heal itself. The origin of homeopathy has been in practice since the late 1700s.

A German physician Samuel Hahnemann introduced the concept of homeopathy that became widely popular among the practitioners in Europe.

 In the 19th century homeopathy was spread everywhere and dozens of institutes were introduced in that era.


The term naturopathy literally means natural healing. It claims the ancient Greek “Father of Medicine” having its root from Europe originated in the 19th century.

 It was coined by John Scheel in 1895 and became immensely popular all around Europe and the United States.

It experienced rapid growth after its emergence and started to decline for several decades after the 1930s.

This was because the researchers claimed that it lacked scientific evidence. But once again it started becoming popular after a number of years and hard work of naturopaths.

Key Differences between Homeopathy and Naturopathy

To make it more clear here are some of the key differences of both the medication methods.

The Method of Treatment

Looking at homeopathy it does not consider any harsh or abusive method to treat the symptoms.

It doesn’t even have any major restrictions on your diet and daily routine. The homeopathic medicines are nothing more than a dilution obtained from plants, animals and mineral substances.

The medicines are available in different forms that can be small pills made from inert substances that can often be sugar or typically lactose. Few drops of dilutions are poured on the pills and are prescribed twice or thrice a day by a physician.       

The holistic approach of naturopathy completely avoids the use of conventional and sugary medicines. It aims to prevent illness through changes in diet and lifestyle and reduction in stress yet rejecting the methods of modern medicine.

They use medicines made from natural ingredients that usually include medicinal plants and some other ingredients extracted from mineral substances.

Apart from medicines it even focuses on oil massage, acupuncture, yoga, meditation and fasting that boosts the immune system of the body.


Now there are a number of institutes that provide you with the homeopathic degree and naturopathy degree.

The medical institutes provide theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge as well so the practitioners can be trained well in both the fields.

Talking about the clinical degree then to be a naturopath you require an ND degree and license from the medical school.

To be a homeopath you don’t require any particular homeopathic degree as mostly the medical practitioners use homeopathy as a tool. 

As the homeopathic law changes from state to state most of the practitioners need to be certified by the board whereas the naturopaths are first trained in primary health care that lets them work more precisely.

 Every state has their own license for both the methods and you need to go through the training sections that are required to be practiced in the states.

They can treat all types of conditions that may include homeopathic treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, naturopathy for skin disorders, and many others.

Their Philosophy

Both the approaches depend on the same root of nature but the philosophies and principles differ from each other.

Homeopathy follows a particular approach which claims that a human body can be cured by itself with all the changes that occur in the body and by adding some natural substances in less dosage as a supplement you can overcome the illness or problems that occur in your body.

Homeopaths don’t believe in strict diets or any therapies. They even try to decline surgeries as much as possible.

Whereas if we talk about naturopathy then it relies on certain principles that are completely holistic and vitalistic.

The patient is recommended natural treatment from naturally occuring substances including sunshine, herbs and certain foods, meditation, relaxation, exercise and along with it the medicines.

It is necessary that you perform the exercises on time and take medicines without missing any dosage in the day. Philosophy and evidence of naturopathy have been in occurrence since the 19th century.

Though the concepts totally depend on natural ingredients, the methods, philosophy and treatments totally differ from each other.