
Reduce Body Fat With Yoga Asanas

Most of the people in this world are fed up with searching for fat reducing exercises and medication. But, at last, they get disappointed. There is a better way to get control over your obesity and get a flat tummy. I have a list of some asanas for you to reduce fat accumulated in different body parts that can give you desirable results in a couple of weeks and the change lasts for a longer time period. Let’s check out some yoga asanas that will help you to reduce your body fat easily.

  1. Yoga Asana For Facial Fat

(Around 2 minutes)

  • Lion Pose

How does it work?

Facial muscles can be toned by performing the Lion pose. This asana is also very beneficial in exhaling tension. It is a basic posture and anyone of any age can do it easily.

While doing this asana, you sit in the lion’s posture and take out your tongue. While your chest and spine remain stretched during this time.

Practicing this asana routinely, you will see that your chin fat is going to be reduced in a couple of weeks.


No special care is required in performing this asana. But if you have a problem sitting in this posture, then you can do it by sitting in a chair.

  • Jalandhara Bandha Pose

How does it work?

Jalandhara Bandha Asana is also very beneficial for Thyroid patients.

You have to sit by pressing your chin between the collarbones. Breathe in and out. This asana reduces the fat in the lower part of your jaw and face.


In case, you are going through some trouble while breathing or you have any problem while doing this asana, you must practice this asana under the guidance of a yoga teacher and trainer.

Do not do this for patients with high blood pressure and heart diseases.

  1. Yoga for the Arms

(Around 5-6 minutes)

  • Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Dog Pose

How does it work?

In the downward-facing Shavasana, a yogi does weight lifting. In this posture, the yogi lifts his upper body with the help of hands. This asana also makes your arms and biceps in shape.

Conducting this posture requires concentration and firm intention. Performing this asana increases stability and balance in the body. If you would like to gain more in-depth knowledge about yoga and meditation, you can join a yoga school in Rishikesh which will help you to gain all the benefits from doing yoga and meditation and incorporate yoga in your daily life.


Immediately stop continuing this asana, in case you are suffering from median nerve compression syndrome.

  • Four-Limbed Staff Pose or Chaturanga Dandasana Pose

How does it work?

In this posture, you lift the upper part of the body above the ground and rest with the help of your hands. While the toes of your feet lightly touch the ground.

This asana tones your overall body and makes your muscles and also builds your triceps and biceps.


If you have a shoulder or back injury, do not try to do it. This asana is performed in many ways. To understand these methods, you can take the help of a Yoga teacher.

  • Ardha Pincha Mayurasana / Dolphin Pose

How does it work?

In this posture, your entire body weight is on your hands. While you try to stay away from the ground. This asana helps to strengthen and tone the biceps, triceps, and arms.


This asana is not difficult to practice, anybody can do it. Although, if you are not comfortable while doing this asana, or feel pain in the shoulder and neck while doing asana, take some caution.

  • Upward Facing Dog or Urdhva Mukha Svanasana Pose

How does it work?

This asana creates a stretch in the muscles of the hands. Its body weight is also balanced. This is one of the best and most accurate ways to tone your arms, biceps, and triceps.


Do not do this asana if you have a neck or shoulder injury.

  1. Yoga For The Shoulders And Upper Back

(Around 4-6 minutes)

  • Bharadvajasana or Seated Twist Pose

How does it work?

In this posture, the body is folded giving a light twist. Initially, these asanas may find it difficult for those who do new yoga. But it can be learned easily by practicing continuously.

This asana makes your upper body. It strengthens your shoulders that will be visible to you.


Do not take this asana if you have a headache or insomnia.

  • Ardha Matsyendrasana Pose

How does it work?

In this posture, your shoulders, neck, and spine have to bend simultaneously. In addition, the entire upper body is also folded to one side. This asana helps to tone your sides, upper body as well as abdominal muscles.


Do not practice this asana if you have a headache or insomnia.


Have you thought about yoga for weight loss? Yoga is not related to any religion. Yoga is related to your lifestyle. Physical and mental health is very important to live. If both of these are fine, then your whole world changes. I hope that after reading this article of mine, you will definitely start your yoga journey.