Home Improvement

Understanding The Common Causes Of Blocked Sinks And How To Prevent Them


Blocked sinks are a frustrating problem that many homeowners across Australia regularly face. The issue can cause significant inconvenience, from disrupting your daily household tasks to potentially leading to more extensive plumbing problems over time. Understanding the fundamental causes of sink blockages and focusing on prevention methods are therefore crucial to ensuring the well-being of your home.

Sink blockages can come from a variety of sources. Common causes include items that shouldn’t be there in the first place, such as food particles, cooking oils, or non-biodegradable materials. Other scenarios could be related to the state of the sink and piping itself, often an overlooked aspect of sink maintenance. This article aims to illuminate these issues and provide solutions that you, as a homeowner, can employ to prevent these continual sink blockages.

A Drain On Resources: Why Sinks Block

In understanding why blockages happen, we need to look at some usual suspects: food particles, non-biodegradable materials, cooking oil, hair and soap. Each of these materials, especially when combined, can lead to a blockage. Food particles can often get stuck, and when compacted together will solidify, forming a block. These are frequently seen in kitchen sinks where food prep and cleanup occur.

Cooking oil is another common offender. Oils and fats can solidify as they cool, effectively creating a barrier in your pipes. As more materials such as food or hair attempt to pass through, they find themselves blocked by this barrier, causing a buildup and eventually a blocked sink. Hair and soap, usually problematic in the bathroom sink, follow the same pattern. The hair can form a net-like structure within the pipes, trapping soap and other particles, building up over time until water can no longer pass.

The Unseen Culprit: How Pipes Contribute To Sink Blockages

Pipes are the hidden aspect of blockages. Old, rusted, or incorrectly installed pipes can substantially contribute to sink blockages. The piping in our homes, much like anything, ages over time. As they age, they may rust, become compromised in structure, or even begin to sag.

These structural issues can lead to an increased chance of blockages. For instance, sagging due to age can create a natural trap for materials to collect and eventually block the pipe. Similarly, rusted or compromised pipes can have jagged edges or uneven surfaces, perfect for collecting passing particles and starting a blockage. Diagrams, such as Figure 1 below, show how this can happen over time.

Another problem to consider is incorrectly installed pipes. If the proper slope or diameter isn’t maintained during installation, materials can start collecting within the pipe, leading to blockages. This pipe blockage isn’t necessarily due to misuse, but rather faulty design or installation.

Put a plug in it: Sink Maintenance Guidelines

The key to preventing sink blockages lies in regular maintenance. Industry insights and home design professionals recommend steps such as proper usage of sinks, regular cleaning, and long-term care. When it comes to utilising sinks correctly, always be mindful of what you’re placing down the drain. Try to dispose of food waste and oils properly as these are leading causes of kitchen sink blockages.

Regular cleaning will also help prevent buildup of substances that could lead to blockages. Some simple maintenance tips include running hot water through your drains to help dissolve fatty substances or using a plunger to clear small blockages early on. Using a sink strainer can also be beneficial in catching solid waste before it enters your drains.

Long-term care entails considering the state of your pipes. Keeping an eye on the age and condition of your pipes can be key in preventing blockages. If you have old, rusted, or potentially incorrectly installed pipes, it’s advised to seek professional advice for potential replacements.

DIY Solutions: Fixing A Blocked Sink

Fixing a blocked sink can often be done at home, with tools you may already have on hand. The most common tool is a plunger, effective for most minor blockages. To use a plunger effectively, make sure you have a strong seal around the drain hole before plunging with force several times. If the blockage is stubborn or located deep within the pipe, a plumber’s snake or hand auger can be a useful tool to dislodge it

If you don’t have any specialised tools around, baking soda and vinegar can often help. Pour half a cup of baking soda into the drain, followed by half a cup of vinegar. Wait 15-20 minutes and then flush the drain with boiling water. The chemical reaction between the baking soda and vinegar can help disintegrate the blockage.

Sometimes, even DIY solutions may not be enough. Dirt build-up, accumulated oils, corrosion, or pipe scale may require stronger solutions to dislodge. In this case, strong household cleaners may be a solution to consider.

When All Else Fails: Calling In The Professionals

If DIY solutions fail to alleviate the blockage, it may be time to call in the professionals. A professional plumber has the tools, training, and experience to effectively deal with stubborn blockages. They can also determine whether a blockage might be caused by a more serious underlying plumbing issue.

When you call a professional, it’s important to be aware of Australian standards and regulations for plumbing services. Always choose a licensed plumber and be clear about the costs involved upfront. A professional plumber can cost anywhere from $80 to $130 per hour depending on location and complexity of the job. It’s important to note that this is often money well-spent as a professional job will ensure the blockage is thoroughly resolved and less likely to recur.

The Bathroom Balance: Blocked Versus Unblocked Sinks

Keeping your sinks clear and functioning is more than just a convenience, it’s also a matter of household harmony and balance. Blocked sinks can lead to unpleasant odours, standing water, and a general feeling of disarray. They can prevent you from accomplishing routine tasks, such as cleaning dishes or washing hands, which can cause stress over time.

Conversely, an unblocked sink promotes a sense of harmony in the home. Having everything in working order lets you go about your daily tasks without interruption. It makes the kitchen and bathroom spaces functional and inviting, enhancing everyone’s quality of life.

But beyond the daily inconveniences, ongoing sink issues can also lead to more serious plumbing problems. Regular backlogs of water can result in leaks, mold growth, or even pipe bursts. It’s therefore in the homeowner’s best interest to keep their sinks clear and clean at all times.

Virtual Showroom: Ideal Sink Designs for Ease of Maintenance

Designing your sink and plumbing for ease of maintenance should always be the goal. There are plenty of designs out there that make cleaning and maintaining your sink easier. This doesn’t mean you need to sacrifice style for functionality, either. With new innovative designs coming out every year, there’s a perfect sink for every aesthetic and practical need.

Opting for sinks with rounded corners, for example, makes cleaning easier and leaves fewer nooks and crannies where grime can build up. Similarly, considering a deeper sink design can help keep water and food splatters contained, making cleanup easier.


Maintaining clear sinks and preventing blockages may seem like a minor detail of homeownership, but as we’ve seen, it’s one that can significantly affect your household’s functionality. Understanding the causes of blockages, from what we put down our drains to the condition of our pipes, helps us to take preventive measures and handle any blockages that do occur more gracefully. Simple DIY fixes and regular maintenance can go a long way to avoid the need for professional assistance.

The design of your sink and kitchen or bathroom layout also plays a role in ease of maintenance. Considering designs that are less prone to blockages and easier to clean is an investment in the long-term health of your home’s plumbing.

Ultimately, ensuring our sinks are clear is about more than just avoiding inconvenience. It’s about maintaining a balanced, functional home that enables our everyday lives to run smoothly. By understanding and implementing the knowledge in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to ensuring that blocked sinks are a scarcity, rather than a frequent irritation, in your home.

It’s a well-known saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and nowhere is this truer than in maintaining our homes. Regular maintenance, correct use, and timely intervention at the first sign of trouble can save time and money in the long run, keeping your home running smoothly for years to come.