
Vet Approved Protein Sources for Your Dog

Protein should be the most vital component of your dog’s diet, bar none. Dogs are omnivores, meaning they consume both meat and vegetables, but protein is still a crucial component of their diet. It nourishes the muscles, strengthens the bones, and restores the body of your dog.

Here are some good options to take into consideration whether you’re searching for some great protein sources for your dog or just want to switch things up. Here are 6 excellent sources of protein for dogs.

The top 6 sources of protein in dog food are:

Offering a complete animal protein as the first element in either dry kibble or wet food is the recommended course of action. It indicates that there is more of this protein in the bag than there is of any other substance, so you can be sure your dog is receiving enough of it. Your dog food must include at least 22.5% crude protein.


In many commercial dog meals, chicken is a popular key component. Chicken lowers the risk of heart disease and is a great source of protein and amino acids. Additionally, it has less fat than red meat like beef since it is leaner.

Salmonella may be present in chicken, so avoid giving your dog raw chicken. Given that a dog’s body may absorb raw meat differently, there is a small possibility that it won’t harm them, but it is possible.


Another protein that is regularly utilized in many commercial dog meals is beef. It is a highly cost-effective option that delivers your dog a good serving of essential vitamins, minerals, and protein.

There is some debate about whether dogs may consume raw beef since it may contain harmful germs and irritants. So, it might not be worth the risk to give your dog a piece of uncooked hamburger. Always be cautious to balance your benefits and downsides and speak with your veterinarian.

High-quality protein sources and a balanced diet are essential for maintaining the health and fitness of any dog or puppy. Spot & Tango employs top-notch ingredients to provide your pet the greatest nourishment available.

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Salmon may be included in recipes for dogs with sensitive skin. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are abundant in salmon and boost the immune system, skin health, and coat texture.

Just be careful to never give your dog raw salmon due to the risk of salmon poisoning. Always make sure salmon is in prepared dog food or served after it has been properly cooked because this problem might be catastrophic.


Another often utilized fowl that you can find in the components of your preferred dog food is turkey. Turkey is a lean meat that provides a ton of nutritional advantages, including selenium and full dosages of riboflavin for your dog. If you were considering meal planning for your dog, it’s a staple in many homemade dog food recipes.

The white parts of the turkey breast are the best for your dog if you cook it. The skin and other fatty parts of the turkey are less desirable since they are harder for your dog to digest.


Lamb is not regarded as a new protein because it is another protein found in fairly popular dog foods, although it is used less frequently than chicken, beef, or fish. It’s not only a fantastic source of protein, but it also has the ideal ratio of fat, which is good for your dog’s energy levels.

Dogs’ allergies and sensitivities are less likely to be triggered by lamb. Lamb is also especially beneficial for your dog’s skin and hair since it includes nutrients that support the growth of skin and muscles, including fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.

Peanut Butter

Your dog will enjoy the protein-rich snack of peanut butter, but only in moderation. Remember to choose an all-natural kind of peanut butter without additional sugar when choosing your peanut butter. Due to their abundance of oleic acid and other beneficial nutrients like natural oils, peanuts are wonderful in and of themselves. However, consuming too much sugar is bad for their heart, weight, or teeth.

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