
What Is Compatibility Torsion in Civil Engineering?

Basic Introduction:-

Technology has always remained persistent dating back from the ancient century. Thanks to the engineers who are doing their heart out for our comfort and needs. Among all the engineering fields, one branch that has bought significant change since then is civil engineering or structural engineering. According to Hindu mythology, the king of Lanka who is Ravana was blessed with the incredible art of architectural design of the golden castle. Even during Mahabharata, Pandavas made Indraprastha their capital and built a magnificent castle in that. By these two examples, we can easily understand the value of civil engineering since that time. 

Even nowadays civil engineering is one of the most popular branches among students. Studying its deep concept is a must for every student who wants to build their career in civil engineering. This lot of civil engineering courses, are available in the civil era from where you can get enough course materials helping you in excelling in this field to a greater level.

Importance of designing:-

Apart from this, designing is also one aspect which every student should learn. Without efficient design, the structure or building might collapse and severe accidents might take place. Suppose, the permissible stress calculated for the beam is 45 N/mm2 but during its operation, getting prone to more stresses can result in severe damage. But the best design not only offers security to its occupants but also is an economical option.

In designing, we have one very important term that plays a crucial role in calculating various structural parameters that is compatibility torsion. But first, we need to understand about torsion.


Torsion is the straining moment in the material that has been twisted by an applied torque. In other words, the resistance offered by the material against the applied torque. It is expressed in Pascal ( Pa ) and PSI ( Pounds per square inch ). Without this, no design is effective. We need to consider this in every aspect of civil engineering.

Types of torsion:-

Torsion is of two types in our field. One is compatibility torsion and another one is equilibrium torsion. Equilibrium torsion is the resistance offered by the structure against the maximum torsional moment where the load cannot be distributed as a whole. It is independent of the torsional stiffness of the member. But as we need to understand compatibility torsion in this topic. Let us get to the details about compatibility torsion.

Compatibility torsion:-

In Equilibrium torsion, the maximum torsional moment cannot be distributed into smaller internal forces. The common example being the bus stops where an edge which is supporting the entire cantilever slab. In such a case, the edge needs to bear all the internal forces associated with the cantilever. The cantilever here is related to the overhead shed.  It’s another way around for compatibility torsion where the maximum torsion moment can be reduced by redistributing the internal forces by many loads. It is dependent on the stiffness of the member.

As already been discussed, about the example of the bus stop where a single edge is there to create the equilibrium load against the maximum torsion moment by the entire cantilever. Maximum torsional moments can happen due to various reasons considering the bus stop as an example. The self-weight of the cantilever itself is the torsion moment. Apart from this, when heavy rain takes place, the heavy drops of rain when striking the above portion of the cantilever, create some torsion moment. The edge of the cantilever has to bear that maximum loads. Therefore, equilibrium torsion is justified. The advantage of this type is the economical factor. Less material will be used as such as a result it been an economical option. But to design such, the edge material should be strong enough against any failure occurring.

In the above case to distribute that maximum torsion moment, support is provided at some distance from the edge where the entire cantilever load is equally distributed. This is what compatibility torsion is. Distribution of entire maximum shear load into smaller section thus the shear load on edge is reduced. The main advantage of compatibility torsion is safety.

Calculating Compatibility torsion:-

Compatibility torsion is also known as Statically Indeterminate Torsion can be easily calculated through a formula shown below.

Calculating Compatibility torsion

Where T1 is the Torque of the solid bar and T2 is the torque of the tube. And T is the sum of T1 and T2. As shown below


G is the rigidity modulus, Ip is the polar moment of inertia and index 1 and 2 refers to bar and tube.

After we have all the values given above, we can find compatibility torsion of both bar and tube and compare it as such. Through this, we can effectively design any model based on a compatibility torsion formula. Actually about the procedure through which the Compatibility torsion equation is derived is the deep and structured module can easily be obtained on civil era platform. The reliable service to offer. To design anything certain designing software is required and there is always a need to learn this software for every aspirant. No matter how many designing skills you get, but after all, it’s the software that comes in handy every time we are designing any building. The civil era has bought online civil engineering software courses for you to nurture your designing skills to a top-level amidst technology where digitization and automation have taken over all other aspects.

Final verdict:-

So what are you waiting for guys? I am sure you all have got the basic idea about compatibility torsion. Detailed knowledge can be gained through the civil era platform itself. Widely accepted by students national wide. Flexibility is the key to why our services are been rated at the top level.

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