
Why Aren’t Cheap Bongs Always Good?

Bongs or water pipes are mainly popular among stoners who smoke weed. Besides, smoking marijuana through bongs gives weed users a relishing experience. They have been around us for centuries and are the obvious choice of smokers who love smoking cannabis. You can purchase a variety of bongs today, made of various materials and available in different sizes at different prices. You can buy high-quality bongs at high prices and even at cheap prices. Nevertheless, cheap bongs aren’t always the best, and we shall prove it with reasons in this post. Before we do, we shall tell you about how bongs work.

How Do Bongs Work?  

You must understand how bongs work to realize how bongs give weed users that desirable high. Bongs come in various sizes, shapes, and colours; nevertheless, all bongs perform the same function. Typically, bongs have a small bowl that holds dry weed or dry herbs. Lighting dry weed executes the combustion process in a bong that percolates water at the bottom of the bong. It also increases the level of the smoke to rise, pass through the water, and into the chamber. When bong users continue inhaling the smoke, the filtered and cooled smoke gets into their mouths and lungs. Consequently, smokers get the high they desire from marijuana.

Reasons Why Cheap Bongs Aren’t Always Good?

Here are our reasons to justify why cheap bongs aren’t always good to smoke weed:

Durability Issues:

All bongs aren’t the same despite they perform the same function. You will find many sub-par bongs in the market because they don’t last for a long time, like high-quality bongs. Moreover, investing in inexpensive bongs cost more eventually, in contrast to high-quality and pricey bongs. High-quality bongs last for a long time because they are durable, whereas you need to replace low-priced bongs frequently. Plus, cheap glass bongs can break in no time because they don’t have the ideal thickness of at least 4mm. Hence, they aren’t durable and not a good deal as compared to high-quality bongs.

Demand Extra Cleaning Effort:

Inexpensive bongs are less resistant to the residue that forms when bong users smoke weed via a bong. Moreover, you need to put extra effort into cleaning these bongs that also make them uncomfortable to use. Conversely, high-quality bongs don’t require extra cleaning effort from bong users because they are easy to clean. Thus, cheap bongs aren’t much user-friendly when you compare them with top-quality bongs.  

They Are Risky to Carry During Travel:

When it comes to travel, bong users opt for small yet inexpensive bongs over large-sized bongs. Of course, portability is an issue with large-sized bongs; nevertheless, inexpensive bongs can break easily during travel. Inexpensive bongs can break during travel because of their fragile materials. However, bong users may carry high-quality bong with them for travel while ensuring their safe packaging. Or, they may still choose inexpensive bongs for travel if they need to use a bong temporarily while they travel.   

They Offer a Low-Quality Hit:

Beginner bong users may think that the quality of the bong doesn’t affect the smoking experience when you get that high. However, bongs with additional accessories, like ash catchers, ice catchers, extra diffusers improve the smoking experience for bong users. Bong material, size, shape, glass type, etc., play a major role in defining the quality of a bong. Nonetheless, low-priced bongs don’t feature the best bong material, ideal glass size, and also lack accessories. Hence, bong users get a low hit from inexpensive bongs.      

Inexpensive Bongs Aren’t Appealing:

Bongs users who love collecting bongs don’t adore low-priced bongs because they aren’t visually appealing. You may not also like buying inexpensive bongs because of their basic and unattractive designs. On the other hand, you will enjoy smoking weed through visually appealing bongs besides adding them to your bong collection.   

Additionally, you can get good quality bongs at reasonable prices from an online headshop, Shop Rite 


Bongs or water pipes are highly popular among stoners who love smoking marijuana. You can buy cheap to high-priced bongs from bong shops. Nonetheless, cheap bongs aren’t always the best when you compare them with the benefits of pricey bongs. The following points justify why inexpensive bongs aren’t always the best:

  1. They aren’t durable.
  2. Inexpensive bongs require extra cleaning effort from bong users.
  3. They are risky to travel with because of their fragile material.
  4. Low-priced bongs offer low-quality bong hits.
  5. Lastly, they aren’t visually appealing.