Why Hi Vis Workwear should be the Norm in the Workplace?
If you have seen the staff working in airports, you will find that several of them wear brightly colored clothing that reflects light. This is a HI VIS workwear and is often worn by employees for safety purposes, industries that place workers at a certain level of risk often require their workers to wear Hi Vis workwear to increase visibility.
Usually made of retro-reflective materials or fluorescent materials, the former being used in low light conditions and the latter when there is a bright source of light. Usually made in bright neon orange or yellow and according to the requirements can be flameproof or waterproof.
6 Benefits of Wearing Hi Vis Workwear
1. Creates an ambiance of safety
On the mental side of things, the simple usage of the Hi Vis workwear results in a boost in morale and productivity as this makes workers feel safe. Employees are required to follow rules and regulations to stay safe, but making them feel safe is the duty of the employee and when fulfilled will result in several benefits.
2. Visibility
Certain occupations may require workers to perform their duties in dimly lit areas, or places with limited visibility. Like traffic workers required a need to be seen and this can be severely limited in the onset of a mist or a fog, wearing workwear that is highly visible will assist not only drivers to see the traffic personally but also prevent accidents and injuries.

3. Not a worry even in warm months
Reflective clothing is often made with materials that are breathable and are lightweight. This enables it to be worn even when the sun is out in the summer months. Also, most reflective clothing is designed to be waterproof or easily dried, making it comfortable even when it’s raining.
4. Teamwork
The usage of hi vis workwear in the workplace can provide a sense of uniformity among your colleagues, this can bolster teamwork and raise morale to perform more efficiently together resulting in more productivity in the workplace.
5. Security
Places like the airport are sensitive and only authorized personal are allowed access inside, people with tickets are permitted to enter a common area which they can access however the majority is left to the workers of the airport. To provide a sense of security often Hi Vis workwear is introduced in the workwear to identify the workers from the population.

6. Identification
In the unfortunate case of an accident, for example, a landslide occurred and you have somehow managed to stay alive but you are unable to move due to injuries the hi vis workwear you wear will help rescue organizations to identify you.
Workplace accidents are commonplace and people in the occupation of construction, traffic, maintenance personals, etc. are often faced with work in risky situations where visibility is very limited. To prevent such incidents, there have been several guidelines set up, regarding workplace safety to ensure the safety of the workers involved. One such inclusion is the usage of bright identifiable workwear. This not only serves merely as a safety guideline, but it also allows for identification for others to see you from afar. This can prove to be quite the lifesaver, for example, construction workers that work late at night can sometimes find it hard to spot their fellow workers with the eye allow and this increases the risk of being run over by vehicles or other incidents. With HI Vis workwear, however, you will be easily spotted from far avoiding the risk.